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22. - 23. junij 2023  |  Thessaloniki
Microcredentials – a labour market megatrend
1. junij 2023  |  Stockholm
Seventh CareersNet annual meeting
31. maj - 1. junij 2023  |  Stockholm
New scenes for career guidance


18. - 19. oktober 2022  |  Virtualni dogoderk
Sixth CareersNet annual meeting
18. oktober 2022  |  Virtualni dogoderk
Validating the 2023 Skills Forecast
29. september 2022  |  Virtualni dogoderk
Making learning progression a reality


25. - 26. november 2021  |  Virtual event
Delavnica o mikrokvalifikacijah
18. junij 2021  |  Virtualni dogodek
Workshop on analysing and comparing VET qualifications
18. april 2021  |  Virtualni dogodek
Apprenticeships for greener economies and societies
4. februar 2021  |  Virtualni dogodek
Skills Governance in Slovenia


27. september 2018  |  Bruselj
Introducing the European Skills Index
14. - 15. junij 2018  |  Thessaloniki
Skills anticipation methods and practices


5. - 9. december 2016  |  Bruselj, Belgija
European vocational skills week 2016
28. - 29. november 2016  |  Solun, Grčija
How to make learning visible
24. - 25. november 2016  |  Solun, Grčija
Skills supply and demand forecast
22. - 23. november 2016  |  Solun, Grčija
Νational skills forecasting system in Malta and Iceland
15. - 16. november 2016  |  Solun, Grčija
ReferNet annual plenary meeting 2016
7. - 11. marec 2016  |  Turin, Italija
Training workshop on financing skills development


29. - 30. oktober 2015  |  Thessaloniki, Greece
Cedefop/IZA Workshop on Skills and Skill Mismatch - Call for papers


21. - 22. oktober 2014  |  Thessaloniki, Greece
Designing, implementing and supporting effective work-based learning
22. - 23. april 2014  |  Dublin, Ireland
Meeting of Directors General for Higher Education


28. junij - 13. julij 2013  |  Dublin, Ireland
Building an Inclusive Europe through Supported Employmen
13. - 14. junij 2013  |  Dublin, Ireland
Formal Meeting of the Education Committee
22. - 24. maj 2013  |  Dublin, Ireland
EURES Working Group
29. - 30. april 2013  |  Dublin, Ireland
Conference on Gender Equality and Europe 2020
1. april 2013  |  Brussels, Belgium
Senior Entrepreneurs and Youth Employment Conference
14. - 15. marec 2013  |  Dublin, Ireland
Meeting of the Bologna follow-up group
12. - 13. marec 2013  |  Dublin, Ireland
Conference on Quality Assurance in Qualifications Framework
11. - 13. marec 2013  |  Bologne, Italy
Youth Conference and Director Generals meeting
28. februar - 1. marec 2013  |  Dublin, Ireland
Europe 2020 Conference - Agenda for new skills and job