- Navigacija
s tipkovnico
1. - 2. april 2025 | Pariz
2025 joint Cedefop-OECD symposium: New fields for apprenticeship
19. februar 2025 | Virtualen dogodek
Making learning progression a reality: policy scenarios towards 2040
22. januar 2025 | Virtualen dogodek
Welcome to STAS Europe's new tool for short-term anticipation of skills trends and VET demand
24. november 2023 | Bruselj
Fifth Policy learning forum (PLF) on upskilling pathways: a vision for the future
22. - 23. junij 2023 | Thessaloniki
Microcredentials – a labour market megatrend
15. - 16. junij 2023 | Thessaloniki
2023 joint Cedefop/OECD symposium on 'Apprenticeships and the digital transition'
1. junij 2023 | Stockholm
Seventh CareersNet annual meeting
31. maj - 1. junij 2023 | Stockholm
New scenes for career guidance
18. - 19. oktober 2022 | Virtualni dogoderk
Sixth CareersNet annual meeting
18. oktober 2022 | Virtualni dogoderk
Validating the 2023 Skills Forecast
29. september 2022 | Virtualni dogoderk
Making learning progression a reality
25. - 26. november 2021 | Virtual event
Delavnica o mikrokvalifikacijah
18. junij 2021 | Virtualni dogodek
Workshop on analysing and comparing VET qualifications
20. april 2021 | Virtualni dogodek
Making skills intelligence actionable - Understanding opportunities and challenges
20. april 2021 | Virtualni dogodek
Digital skills post-covid19 - Shifting gears in the digital transition
18. april 2021 | Virtualni dogodek
Apprenticeships for greener economies and societies
4. februar 2021 | Virtualni dogodek
Skills Governance in Slovenia
3. februar 2021 | Webinar
Making excellence inclusive: towards a new Cedefop survey of VET teachers and trainers
18. - 19. oktober 2018 | Solun
Second Cedefop policy learning forum (PLF) on apprenticeships
27. september 2018 | Bruselj
Introducing the European Skills Index
14. - 15. junij 2018 | Thessaloniki
Skills anticipation methods and practices
20. - 21. marec 2018 | Milano
Real-time labour market information and skill requirements
13. - 14. marec 2018 | Thessaloniki
First annual meeting of the European community of learning providers
5. - 9. december 2016 | Bruselj, Belgija
European vocational skills week 2016
28. - 29. november 2016 | Solun, Grčija
How to make learning visible
24. - 25. november 2016 | Solun, Grčija
Skills supply and demand forecast
22. - 23. november 2016 | Solun, Grčija
Νational skills forecasting system in Malta and Iceland
21. - 22. november 2016 | Solun, Grčija
Policy learning forum: Professional development of teachers and trainers – a guarantee of quality in VET
15. - 16. november 2016 | Solun, Grčija
ReferNet annual plenary meeting 2016
20. - 21. oktober 2016 | Paris, Francija
Skills, jobs and sustainable development: global trends, local challenges
20. - 21. oktober 2016 | PR
Skills, jobs and sustainable development: global trends, local challenges
16. maj 2016 | Solun, Grčija
Workshop on labour market information (LMI) for lifelong guidance
7. - 11. marec 2016 | Turin, Italija
Training workshop on financing skills development
29. - 30. oktober 2015 | Thessaloniki, Greece
Cedefop/IZA Workshop on Skills and Skill Mismatch - Call for papers
2. oktober 2015 | Brusselss
Economic and social consequences of low skilled adults in the EU
13. februar 2015 | Bruselj, Belgija
Short-term based anticipatory system for the European labour market trends, skills developments and VET policy
27. - 28. november 2014 | Solun, Grčija
Stepping up the pace: The next stage of European tools for transparency, recognition and quality for learning and work
21. - 22. oktober 2014 | Thessaloniki, Greece
Designing, implementing and supporting effective work-based learning
3. - 4. junij 2014 | Thessaloniki, Greece
The role of VET in reducing early leaving from education and training
22. - 23. maj 2014 | Thessaloniki, Greece
Cedefop expert workshop - The role of credit Transfer systems in opening access, admission and exemption between vocational education and training (VET) and higher education (HE)
22. - 23. april 2014 | Dublin, Ireland
Meeting of Directors General for Higher Education
24. - 25. februar 2014 | Greece
Employer survey on skill needs in Europe: Survey instrument and sampling design
14. februar 2014 | Paris, France
OECD LEED - Cedefop Green skills forum 2014;Green skills and innovation for inclusive growth
28. junij - 13. julij 2013 | Dublin, Ireland
Building an Inclusive Europe through Supported Employmen
13. - 14. junij 2013 | Dublin, Ireland
Formal Meeting of the Education Committee
22. - 24. maj 2013 | Dublin, Ireland
EURES Working Group
20. - 21. maj 2013 | Dublin, Ireland
Meeting of Directors General for Vocational Education and Training
16. - 17. maj 2013 | Brussels, Belgium
Meeting of the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport (EYCS) Council
29. - 30. april 2013 | Dublin, Ireland
Conference on Gender Equality and Europe 2020
1. april 2013 | Brussels, Belgium
Senior Entrepreneurs and Youth Employment Conference
19. - 20. marec 2013 | Dublin, Ireland
Conference on better assessment and evaluation to improve teaching and learning
14. - 15. marec 2013 | Dublin, Ireland
Meeting of the Bologna follow-up group
12. - 13. marec 2013 | Dublin, Ireland
Conference on Quality Assurance in Qualifications Framework
11. - 13. marec 2013 | Bologne, Italy
Youth Conference and Director Generals meeting
5. marec 2013 | Brussels, Belgium
Conference - Effective tools of active labour market policies during the crisis
28. februar - 1. marec 2013 | Dublin, Ireland
Europe 2020 Conference - Agenda for new skills and job
27. - 28. februar 2013 | Dublin, Ireland
European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) 12th Plenary Meeting
18. - 19. februar 2013 | Dublin, Ireland
Conference - "Integration, Innovation and Improvement - The Professional Identity of Teacher Educators"
15. februar 2013 | Brussels, Belgium
Meeting of the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport (EYCS) Council
6. februar 2013 | Brussels, Belgium