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22. januar 2025
AI skills in the workplace? Cedefop asked the workers

As we reach the era of artificial intelligence, Cedefop takes the pulse of workers at the frontline of this rapid transformation and looks at the changes AI brings to the workplace, and if and how these are being addressed.

22. januar 2025
Cedefop-EESC forum on skills: EU must anticipate trends to keep up, not just adapt to change

More flexible, and even tailored, pathways to upskilling and lifelong learning can be one way of reaching people with low skills, from poorer backgrounds and others at risk of social exclusion. Gender imbalances in labour markets still require attention. The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held their 5th Policy learning forum on upskilling pathways on 6 and 7 February, in Brussels. The forums allow countries to learn from one another and explore ways to improve upskilling, reskilling and lifelong skills development, including training for low-skilled adults in Europe.


18. april 2021
The focal role of apprenticeships for the future of work

Apprenticeships can become a driver for recovery and the green and digital transformations, provided some issues of identity and a number of ambiguities are cleared, Cedefop Executive Director Jürgen Siebel told a high-level conference of experts and policy-makers.

18. april 2021
Get your skills together for Europe’s green deal

Get your skills together for Europe’s green deal

18. april 2021
Next-generation skills intelligence to drive recovery in Europe

Predicting skills trends in a rapidly changing labour market is a cornerstone of policy-making, and Cedefop organised a high-level conference on 13 April to reflect on how to develop further its skills intelligence research and tools in the coming years.

18. april 2021
Skills intelligence to be focus of Cedefop conference

The crucial role of skills intelligence in today’s turbulent labour market will be the focus of a high-level conference organised by Cedefop on 13 April.


31. marec 2015
Cedefop at the Greek Parliament

Cedefop presented its work to the Greek Parliament, for the first time, on 23 October. A delegation headed by Director James Calleja addressed MPs of the Education and Social Affairs select committees and answered questions on the agency’s contribution to the development of vocational education and training (VET) and its cooperation with Greek authorities and VET institutions.

31. marec 2015
Vocational education and training in Europe: old roots for new routes

The challenges of the 21st century require new approaches to learning for work. Vocational education and training (VET) in Europe is evolving, but we need a clearer vision of what modern VET systems should look like. This was the central message of Cedefop Director James Calleja’s* presentation to the European Parliament’s Employment and Social Affairs committee, in Brussels today.

31. marec 2015
On the road to reform: European VET on Cedefop’s 40th anniversary

Vocational education and training (VET) reform is opening up new routes for people into employment and for enterprises to develop the skills of their workforce to compete. However, reform still has some way to go for VET to meet 21st century expectations. But progress is being made, argues Cedefop Director James Calleja* on the occasion of the European agency’s 40th anniversary.